6 years of Game-changing technologies

IMPEL, a Department of Energy tech-to-market program that unites innovators with researchers, investors, and business experts — is celebrating six years of advancing next-generation building decarbonization technologies to market. 

From 3D-printed thermal energy storage, to drones that use machine learning to scan entire neighborhoods’ worth of buildings for air leaks, to quiet wind turbines that can be installed in tight spaces, great early-stage ideas are moving toward the market. Innovators get the mentorship, coaching, and support they need to turn promising concepts into concrete products.

$150M+ raised

36 U.S.  states and territories represented

209 awards, grants, prizes, and pilots

210+ new jobs created

54% of Innovators from diverse backgrounds

300 teams

we're celebrating innovators who are...

1. creating manufacturing and jobs

2. bringing eNERGY efficiency TO ALL AMERICANS

3. slashing COSTS

4. winning prizes AND AWARDS

5. EYE-catching building technologies


Algae-filled lattices that beautify and boost window efficiency


A smart nose that sniffs out opportunities to improve building efficiency.  


Striking & sustainable construction material for high-performance buildings 

Flower Turbines

The prettiest wind energy on the market


the next 5 years

Innovative building technologies are an increasingly essential element in effective energy efficiency. 

IMPEL will continue to advance game-changing technologies that will help pave the way for affordable energy solutions for all Americans, the creation of manufacturing facilities, and new jobs.