Success Stories

Since participating in IMPEL's workshops, our Innovators are winning grants and awards, kicking-off project demonstrations, and gaining national recognition. Read more below on the successes of IMPEL's alumni.

Jose LaSalle


Bio-Based Ultracapacitors for Electric Grid Stability

IMPEL Cohort 2022

In August 2024, Florrent announced the successful closing of $3.6M in Seed funding led by MassVentures in addition to over $650k in recent grant awards. This funding will accelerate florrent’s ability to unlock new market opportunities for supercapacitors, where other storage media—particularly lead acid batteries— are still deployed, using biomass waste sourced domestically from BIPOC communities.

In addition to MassVentures, the Seed funding includes investment from Raven Indigenous Capital Partners, MassMutual Catalyst Fund, Boston Impact Initiative, Maroon Venture Partners Fund, Collab Fund, Elbezius, and The Sky Foundation. This equity investment is also complemented by non-dilutive grant funding from MassCEC, Activate, and others.

Shantonio Birch


Augmented Space Heating & Cooling

IMPEL Cohort 2023

ThermoVerse was selected to join Innovation Crossroad's Cohort 7. Selected innovators receive a fellowship that includes a stipend, along with health insurance and a travel allowance, a cooperative research and development agreement at ORNL and comprehensive mentoring assistance to build a sustainable business model.

ThermoVerse is a startup contingent within the National GEM Consortium focused on grid-interactive retrofits that make homes smarter and more resilient to the threats of extreme heat and cold. They combine state-of-the-art thermal energy storage (TES) with ultralow power temperature & humidity sensing and Peltier heating & cooling to create a one-of-a-kind building thermal management system, which they endeavor to transform into a minimally-invasive smart wallpaper™ in the coming year(s). 

Judy Min


Virtual community power plants for LMI communities

IMPEL Cohort 2023

ecoLong was awarded two Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants-- one was awarded through DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and the other was awarded through DOE’s Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response.

ecoLong demonstrates the scalability of a community virtual powerplant that will enhance residential energy use efficiency and provide aggregated grid services by capturing demand, storage, and generation flexibility from the grid-edge, particularly in low-moderate-income (LMI) communities.

Michael Petit

V-Glass Inc.

High-efficiency vacuum insulating glass

IMPEL Cohort 2023

V-Glass was selected for Third Derivative's Cohort 23-2. The program accelerates climate tech startups virtually over the course of 18 months through access to their network of mentors and experts, and optional $100k convertible note.

V-Glass, Inc. produces hermetic, high efficiency VIGs in the lab that are being dynamically tested by 3rd parties, including NREL.  They plan to transitition to a pilot plant, which will allow them to supply V-Glass samples to potential licensing partners for market testing prior to product launch. 

Diana Fisler


Connection for ductless mini-split heat pumps

IMPEL Cohort 2023

EcoSnap was selected as one of 21 companies to participate in Launch Alaska's 2023-24 Tech Deployment Track accelerator program. The program focuses on deploying climate tech in Alaska. EcoSnap has been selected for their "Energy" vertical.

EcoSnap is a connection technology for ductless minisplit heat pumps that takes complexity, time, and skill level out of installation.

Thomas Hunter

Edenic Energy

Project management software for energy efficiency

IMPEL Cohort 2023

Edenic Energy was selected as a fellow for Halcyon's Spring Opportunity Intensive Incubator 2023 for their energy project management software. The program selects "impact-driven entrepreneurs" who receive pro-bono legal and consulting support, a stipend, workspace at Halcyon, access to Halcyon's network, and various training/coaching.

Edenic Energy is project management company for Energy Efficient Improvements. Their software & hardware solution is an urban visualization technology that can identify, design, and manage energy efficient projects for assets in urban environments. Building owners, and urban stakeholders can now navigate the Energy transition and climate initiatives from one place all while improving operations & maintenance of their assets.

Tony Keslinke

Vertiel Energy

Combined hardware and software platform for renewables adoption

IMPEL Cohort 2023

Vertiel Energy was recently awarded a Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant through the U.S. Department of Energy to further develop their technology addressing energy injustice in the multifamily residential sector.

Veritel Energy provides a platform that incentivizes the owners of multi-tenant and multi-metered properties to invest in renewable energy through its combined hardware and software solutions. The model provides a return on investment for property owners and allows for a reduction in electricity costs for residents, especially in existing workforce housing units in disadvantaged communities.

Cooper Marcus


Electrification service for homeowners

IMPEL Cohort 2023

QuitCarbon has been selected to join USGBC-LA’s Net Zero Accelerator's 2023 cohort. The program connects pilot partners to built environment startups with the goal of helping startups fine-tune their product and business models. The company was also announced as a finalist for the U.S. Department of Energy's Equitable and Affordable Solutions to Electrification (EAS-E) Home Electrification Prize. Finalists receive $5,000 in cash prizes and receive a $75,000 voucher to work with U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories and/or “Connectors” from the American-Made Network that qualify as Voucher Service Providers. 

QuitCarbon also recently entered the DoE Buildings UP prize program with seven different teams, all of which fall under the equity track.

The company has also expanded to now serve all of California!

QuitCarbon is a free, local service that helps homeowners replace gas appliances with clean electric alternatives, guiding them through each step of the process.

Robert Benjamin

Aris Hydronics

All-in-one combined HVAC + DHW System

IMPEL Cohort 2023

Aris Hydronics was announced as a finalist for the U.S. Department of Energy's Equitable and Affordable Solutions to Electrification (EAS-E) Home Electrification Prize. Finalists receive $5,000 in cash prizes and receive a $75,000 voucher to work with U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories and/or “Connectors” from the American-Made Network that qualify as Voucher Service Providers. 

Aris Hydronics offers an all-in-one combined HVAC + DHW System that produces zero carbon emissions, operates at up to 500% efficiency, has load shifting and scheduling capabilities, and delivers a multitude of comfort and zoning options not found in any other predominant HVAC systems on the market.

David Goldstein

Hydronic Shell Technologies

Hydronic Shell: A Comprehensive Deep Energy Retrofit Solution

IMPEL Cohort 2022

Hydronic Shell Technologies was announced as a finalist for the U.S. Department of Energy's Equitable and Affordable Solutions to Electrification (EAS-E) Home Electrification Prize. Finalists receive $5,000 in cash prizes and receive a $75,000 voucher to work with U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories and/or “Connectors” from the American-Made Network that qualify as Voucher Service Providers. 

Hydronic Shell Technologies brings energy efficiency, moisture durability, and comfort to existing HVAC systems through their heat-storing primer-topcoat.

Armelle Coutant

Kit Switch

Modular interiors to form apartments inside vacant buildings

IMPEL Cohort 2023

Kit Switch has been selected to join USGBC-LA’s Net Zero Accelerator's 2023 cohort. The program connects pilot partners to built environment startups with the goal of helping startups fine-tune their product and business models. The company was also recently selected to join Larta Institute’s Venture Fellows Program. Larta's nine-month long Venture Fellows program supports founders through "mentorship, connections, pilot support, and [other] resources".

Kit Switch is an early-stage construction startup creating modular interiors to form apartments inside vacant buildings, reducing both the cost and embodied carbon of multifamily developments.

Nicholas Houchois

Hearth Labs

Thermal-LiDAR sensor and analysis platform Q-Sense

IMPEL Cohort 2023

Hearth Labs has been selected to join USGBC-LA’s Net Zero Accelerator's 2023 cohort. The program connects pilot partners to built environment startups with the goal of helping startups fine-tune their product and business models. The company was also awarded a BENEFIT award from the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy for $1.5 M in August 2023. The company has also secured a demonstration and over $180,000 of funding from MassCEC's InnovateMass Demonstration Project, as well as a demonstration and $10,000 of funding from a SyracuseCOE Demonstration Project in collaboration with the New York State Energy Research and Demonstration Association (NYSERDA). Hearth Labs has also received revenue from early Q-Sense sales. 

Hearth Labs has created Q Sense, a thermal-LiDAR sensor used in a diagnostic capacity to improve energy efficiency and occupant thermal comfort in the built environment. It generates thermal digital twins of buildings in minutes. A typical 3D thermal data set contains 12.5 million spatially resolved data points with complete thermal information. This data is used to model heat transfer and empirically build a physics-based model of the thermal relationships between rooms, surfaces, thermal masses and building systems.

Benjamin Jenett


Cellular Building Structures

IMPEL Cohort 2023

Benjamin Jenett recently received multiple funding awards for his cellular building structure technology, Metavoxel. He received funding from CalSeed for $150,000, Collaborative Fund for $100,000, and the Air Force Research Library for over $190,000 of ongoing funding. 

Metavoxel's technology is a lightweight, modular construction system which can be used for low-cost, sustainable, high performance building systems, with additional benefits afforded through mass production and assembly automation.

Manas Pathak


CO2-Based Energy Storage

IMPEL Cohort 2023

EarthEn was selected to join Innovation Crossroad's Cohort 7. Selected innovators receive a fellowship that includes a stipend, along with health insurance and a travel allowance, a cooperative research and development agreement at ORNL and comprehensive mentoring assistance to build a sustainable business model.

EarthEn was named one of 2023 Energy Venture Day's Most-Promising Startups at Rice Alliance for Technology and Entrepreneurship's annual Energy Venture Day. Manas also recently received $15,000 in prize money and around $45,000 in private funding.

EarthEn’s innovative Energy Pod is an energy storage solution that uses CO2 and allows the storage of excess energy from solar and wind for long and short durations. EarthEn’s Energy Pod technology is a flexible, highly scalable, modular, carbon-negative energy storage system for renewable energy producers, distributors, and consumers. 

Eliot Kahn

Humankind Homes

Net Zero Homes via Interlocking Kits

IMPEL Cohort 2023

HumanKind Homes recently was accepted into an Oregon Startup Center Accelerator and the Techstars Impact Accelerator Powered by Cox, garnering around $145,000 in funding for their net zero home kits.

Humankind Homes is a full service design-build construction company building affordable, sustainable, and healthy homes & buildings. Using their proprietary technology. Humankind Homes designs, pre-manufactures, and builds every part of the structure using bricks, beams, panels, and foam all made from sustainable geopolymer concrete sourced from local recycled materials.

David Hertzberg

Dakota Energy Systems

Mini Hydroelectric Power Systems

IMPEL Cohort 2023

Dakota Energy Systems recently secured $500,000 in funding from the Bank of North Dakota's LIFT, which supports innovation and technology commercialization in North Dakota with loan funds. 

Dakota Energy Systems implement Hydro Electric Power Systems (HEPS) suitable for energy harvesting within the municipal & private water, water & wastewater treatment, oil & gas, commercial, industrial or manufacturing industries.

Nicholas Napp


Commercial Building Efficiency Sensor Specifically Designed for Retrofits

IMPEL Cohort 2023

Nosy was approved to receive a Manufacturing Voucher under Rhode Island Commerce's 2023 Innovation Voucher Program. The grant is for nearly $50,000 and will be used to fund injection mold tooling, FCC and Bluetooth approvals, and the purchase of key long lead time components.

Nosy is a building efficiency sensor designed for retrofits, with a total cost of ownership 80% lower than existing products. As a multifunction building efficiency sensor, it gives data on parameters like temperature, relative humidity, indoor air quality, atmospheric pressure, ambient light, and simple occupancy (via a motion sensor). It is self-contained, requires little maintenance, and can be easily installed by anyone without tools.

Jhana Porter


Biobased PVC Alternatives for the Built Environment

IMPEL Cohort 2023

frakktal was accepted into the Advancing Climatetech and Clean Energy Leaders Program (ACCEL)'s inaugural cohort—a new accelerator from Greentown Labs and Browning the Green Space designed to bolster BIPOC-led climatetech startups by offering access to funding, networking connections, resources, and opportunities that structural inequities put out of reach.

frakktal is developing biobased polymer alternatives for the built environment from agricultural overages. Their beachhead project is a flexible PVC alternative specifically designed for resilient flooring applications.

Blake Dressel


Real-Time Water Use Management via AI

IMPEL Cohort 2022

SOURCE has been awarded a $50,000 Innovation Transfer Grant from the TomKat Center for Sustainable Energy at Stanford University

SOURCE transforms typical buildings into smart and efficient buildings by providing energy project design tools to building owners and energy service providers. Through their platform, SOURCE automates the design of energy service contracts to enable building owners and operators to tap into these profitable projects and meet their energy and climate goals.

Mark Isaacs


Multi-pane Acrylic Windows

IMPEL Cohort 2022

A CRADA was recently signed between Mark, MSU, and Oak Ridge National Lab to prove the affordable cost of Net Zero Energy performance for multifamily residential, hotels, and office buildings built with the company's WonderWindows. Mark was also recently appointed to the ASTM Subcommittee on Tiny Houses. 

Additionally, Mark Isaacs has launched a WonderWindow Makers' Workshop at his local Boys and Girls Club. At the workshop, Isaacs employs historically disadvantaged kids (ages 15-21), pays them a living wage, and teaches them how to assemble energy-efficient multi-pane acrylic windows. As of September 2022, the Makers' Workshop has made over 125 windows, providing WonderWindow with a small sample of its innovation to seed the market.

WonderWindow provides multi-pane, acrylic windows that help lower energy costs through exceptional performance.

Emily Lamon and Sara Sultan

Academia Spinoff, National Lab

Local Carbon Offset Options through Building Upgrades and ElectrificationandControls for Grid-Integrated, Heat Pump Mediated Thermal Storage System

IMPEL Cohort 2022

Emily Lamon and Sara Sultan were recognized as two of the 2022 Linda Latham Scholars at the ACEEE's 2022 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. The award recognizes "the next generation of clean energy leaders"-- students who show an impressive interest in energy and environmental issues. 

Emily is developing local carbon offset options through building upgrades and electrification, aiming to connect corporations pursuing bold ESG goals directly to communities who could benefit from building weatherization and electrification projects. Sara is developing controls for a grid-integrated, heat pump mediated thermal storage system to optimize the operation for demand impact and reduce carbon footprint, using marginal grid emissions and utility data.

Priya Thomas

Shower Stream

Real-Time Water Use Management via AI

IMPEL Cohort 2022

Shower Stream has recently booked $750K in revenue with the U.S. Department of Defense which will fund a demonstration of their technology within the U.S. DOD over 18 months. 

In July 2022, IMPEL Innovator Priya Thomas launched a pilot of her technology, Shower Stream, through a collaboration with Extended Stay America. Shower Stream will be piloted in Extended Stay America's 65,000+ hotel rooms through the collaboration. The pilot has been successfully extended as of February 2023. 

Shower Stream’s automatic shower technology senses motion and occupancy in the extreme humidity of a shower with high accuracy and without user interaction using custom hardware, AI algorithms, and advanced sensor technology. The system delivers real-time data and management of shower heads across hotel portfolios to improve bottom line and create additional revenue streams.

Joshua English

okom wrks labs

Regenerative SIP Wall

IMPEL Cohort 2022

okom wrks labs received seed funding from its first investor in March 2022, towards further development of their regenerative SIP (structural insulated panel) wall. Led by Founder Joshua English, okom wrks labs innovation lies in its patent-pending mycelium-based biocomposite called Zero-Frm, which has structural, load-bearing properties. Joshua was a participant in the December 2021 IMPEL Pitch Coaching Workshop. 

okom wrks recently signed an MOU with the DOE's Advanced Building Construction (ABC) Collaborative, that focuses on integrating high-tech manufacturing wth low carbon materials and energy efficient systems.

Jose LaSalle


Bio-Based Ultracapacitors for Electric Grid Stability

IMPEL Cohort 2022

florrent closed a successful pre-seed funding round, closing with $2.1 million of investment. The company was also accepted into the Advancing Climatetech and Clean Energy Leaders Program (ACCEL)'s inaugural cohort—a new accelerator from Greentown Labs and Browning the Green Space designed to bolster BIPOC-led climatetech startups by offering access to funding, networking connections, resources, and opportunities that structural inequities put out of reach.

florrent was a recipient of $75,000 of non-dilutive funding from the MassCEC Diversity in Cleantech Early Stage (DICES) grant. florrent is also poised to close a successful pre-seed round within the coming months. They pitched in August 2022 at the IMPEL Investor Forum and Pitch Competition hosted by Cleantech Future and won the Audience's Choice Award

florrent is a MA-based, minority-owned climatetech company innovating to design and build the next generation of high energy density ultracapacitors to stabilize electrical grids and address critical bottlenecks for the adoption of renewable energies, electric vehicles, and net-zero buildings. Their ultracapacitors are manufactured from abundant and regenerative hemp biomass, grown domestically in the U.S. by Black and Indigenous farmers.

Balaji Renukumar


Digitalization of Buildings and AI Automated Facility Management

IMPEL Cohort 2022

Sensfix received a $2.5M non-dilutive grant from the European Union in January 2022, and $400k in committed private angel funds. They pitched in August 2022  at the IMPEL Investor Forum and Pitch Competition hosted by Cleantech Future and won the Judge's Choice Award. Following the pitch event win, Sensfix has begun setting up a new office in South Korea, too! Sensfix also recently participated in InnoWise Scale competition organized by EIT Digital and won both the first prize of 10,000 euros and the special prize of 30,000 euros! Sensfix has also recently won a prestigious award with Ferrovial which will help Sensfix apply their solution to digitize operations and maintenance and address water scarcity. 

Sensfix's digitalization and automation platform uses multi-modal AI and mixed reality to digitalize workflows and automate decision-making in logistics, maintenance, repairs, and operations, which allows self-scheduling, self-dispatching, and self-ticketing operations and maintenance of buildings and facilities.

Grant Gunnison


Data Extraction for Custom Decarbonization Planning

IMPEL Cohort 2022

Zero has been selected the  software provider for Massachusetts Clean Energy Center's (MassCEC) Decarbonization Pathways pilot program. As part of the pilots, ZERO will be utilized by Abode to provide homeowners with a tailored Decarbonization Pathway Report, giving each homeowner a clear decarbonization roadmap for their home. Zero has also been awarded $65K from the Mass CEC & MassVentures Catalyst program to further develop their electrification platform.

Zero's founder, Grant Gunnison, was recently selected for DOE LEEP Program  West Gate's Cohort 1.

Zero's remote assessment software tool extracts residential building data to help homeowners plan and customize decarbonization retrofits.

Satpal Kaur


3D Printing and Prefabrication Technology

IMPEL Cohort 2022

Satpal Kaur, founder of UnBoxed, has been awarded a the NYSERDA's climate justice fellowship! 

UnBoxed is an early stage startup that merges 3D printing and prefabrication technology to disrupt traditional construction methods and provide access to home equity, all while maintaining a reduced carbon footprint, more efficient construction times, and net zero standards.

Hao Li


One-Stop-Shop for Green Building Products

IMPEL Cohort 2022

Suphub has recently seen strong supply side growth to 400+ manufacturers selling 10,000+ products in a year. They are gaining traction on the demand side with D. R. Horton participating in a pilot program, and have recently developed a team with domain expertise in architecture, fintech solutions, and data engineering

In 2022, Suphub was selected as one of five companies in the AEC Accelerator FormworkLabs.  Suphub is working to digitize the procurement of energy efficient building materials, and is now backed by Brick & Mortar Ventures.

Suphub is digitizing the procurement of energy efficient building materials through their all-in-one platform by helping builders source, purchase, and ship energy efficient materials easily and affordably.

Richard Fennelly

CoilPod LLC

HVAC Coil Cleaning Technology

IMPEL Cohort 2022

Richard Fennelly, of CoilPod LLC, was awarded Most Innovative HVAC Cleaning Technology 2022 for the Facilities Management Awards 2022, hosted by BUILD. Congrats, Richard!

CoilPod reduces energy use, emissions, and coil fouling in refrigeration and air conditioning apparatuses through its condensor coil area redesign and new coil cleaning technology.

Davoud Zamani

ALD Technical Solutions LLC

Composite Wire Wrap Technology

IMPEL Cohort 2022

ALD Technical Solutions has been selected to participate in both Dominion Energy's 2023 Cohort and the 2023 EnergyLab Scaleup Program for their grid wrap technology. The program supports start-ups by facilitating collaborations with prominent Australian and New Zealand companies.

ALD Technical Solutions LLC received $450,000 from the California Energy Commission. Their robotics technology will build an installer of a lightweight, long-lasting, and cost-effective structural composite reinforcement system that will be wrapped around existing transmission lines to increase power capacity, extend lifespan, decrease sag, and improve reliability and resiliency of grid infrastructure with no downtime and minimal capital investment. 

Their Composite Wire Wrap technology is a lightweight, high strength, long-lasting, cost-effective composite reinforcement system that withstands high temperatures. The product can be installed quickly and easily by this innovative robotic technology system and secured in place around existing power lines.

Jacob Kumpon

KLAW Industries

Pantheon™, Recycled Glass Cement Replacement

IMPEL Cohort 2022

KLAW Industries received a first place award of $100,000 from the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Technology Transitions' EPIC Pitch Competition. The pitch event was held at DOE's Small Business Forum and Expo in New Orleans, Louisiana this July.

In December 2022, KLAW Industries received a $500,000 grant from the Environmental Protection Agency to further develop their technology.

"We are excited to be selected as a semi-finalist for the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management Bonus Focus! We are looking forward to the finals on March 24th. Our proposed technology is centered around creating a scalable, carbon-negative cement replacement, and we are eager to receive feedback from DOE and other innovators".

Jacob Kumpon is the COO of KLAW Industries, a glass-to-concrete recycling firm that has created a stronger, climate-friendly concrete made from recycled glass in NYC. 

James Grieve

MicroEra Power

Smart Thermal Energy Storage system

IMPEL Cohort 2021

MicroEra Power has been working through NYSERDA to complete a lab prototype for a system that does both stored heating (winter) and stored cooling (summer) for 4 seasons climates. Additionally, MicroEra Power has also recently begun work on a DOE Office of Science SBIR project.

The team is piloting a smart Thermal Energy Storage system to heat and cool commercial buildings. Their thermal battery and smart cloud-based software uses AI and machine learning to monitor, control, and optimize system operation and manage peak loads to support grid decarbonization.

MicroEra Power was selected to demonstrate their technology at the Global Clean Energy Action Forum's Technology Showcase in Pittsburgh  in September 2022.

Christian Warren & Mark Randall

Midflare Corp.

HBCU & Small University Sustainability

IMPEL Cohort 2021

Midflare obtained funding this year and–via the IMPEL+ & Greentown Labs Pitch Day in May 2021–secured their first two customers, Virginia State University and CMA-CGM. Beyond their solar development projects, Midflare will be exploring deployment opportunities for photovoltaic building glass, urban wind solutions, battery storage for backup power, and optimization of energy consumption with these clients. 

In December 2021, Midflare secured a $10 million credit facility to fund their project development efforts.

Daniel Farb

Flower Turbines

Small-Scale Wind Turbine

IMPEL Cohort 2021

Flower Turbines has surpassed $11 million equity crowdfunding on Startengine for their small-scale wind turbine design. This compact unit is significantly quieter than similarly-sized turbines and experiences a cluster effect that causes it to improve performance of other units nearby, rather than interfering; this allows for more energy generation per square foot.  Daniel was recently featured on CBS Innovation Nation in October 2022.

At the end of 2021, Flower Turbines signed an MOU to partner with Texas Tech University’s Global Laboratory for Energy Asset Management and Manufacturing GLEAMM Laboratory to research wind energy in collaboration with solar. They were the Innovation Winner at the VXA 2021 Innovation Camp at the 2021 VERBUND X Accelerator Program.

Kyoung-Hee Kim


Intelligent Biochromic Window

IMPEL Cohort 2021

Ecoclosure received a 2021 American Institute of Architects R&D Award for their biochromic microalgae window innovation.  This retrofit assembly provides  dynamic shading, thermal blocking, water and air tightness, and improved indoor air quality (IAQ); further, the window acts as a renewable energy source, as algae in the system that becomes loaded with carbon is sequestered and can be used for biofuel.  Coupled with a smart control system this technology cut building energy use by 20-30%.

Levon Atoyan

Active Energy Systems

Ultra-efficient Ice Thermal Storage

IMPEL Cohort 2021

Active Energy Systems received a $1M NSF SBIR Phase II grant to advance their icephobic heat exchange (IHEX) technology and unlock the potential of ice thermal energy storage. AES also received a $1.1M SBIR Phase II grant from the DOE  to increase the round-trip energy efficiency of ice thermal storage to >90%, a ~15% improvement compared to today’s ice-on-coil technology, and develop storage systems that can deliver a day’s worth of backup cooling, while generating enough cost savings to pay for themselves within 30 months. AES is partnering with NREL and commercialization partners to showcase the IHEX system’s performance.

Bilal Sher


AI-Powered and Robot-Assisted System

IMPEL Cohort 2021

The Robotic Envelope Assessment System for Energy Efficiency (EASEEbot) team was awarded a $200k prize through the E-ROBOT competition, in which they were a Phase 1 finalist, in order to support prototyping and testing. Their technology, an AI equipped drone that can survey a building and locate envelope defects, gives property managers a tool for preventative building care, minimizing repair costs and energy expenses.

Tanya Barham

Community Energy Labs

Automated Grid-Smart Building Energy Controls 

IMPEL Cohort 2021

 Community Energy Labs (CEL) has received multiple awards and grants in the summer of 2022, including a grant from Rocket Fund (a program of the Resnick Sustainability Institute at Caltech).

They received a $206k SBIR grant from the Department of Energy, to develop scalable, novel interface design and workflow automation that improves the quality of model predictive control outputs, enabling small users with lean staffing to be able to achieve dramatic energy savings. 

They also won a USDA grant, and won a CRADA award with LBNL and  ActiveBAS for a 'Low-cost, Scalable Control Solution for Grid-Interactive Small and Medium Sized Commercial Buildings.'

In May 2022, CalSEED awarded $3.45 million to 23 early-stage clean energy  innovation companies, including CEL. CEL will be developing their automated building control platform that minimizes burdens on controls professionals and operators of K-12, municipal, and small to mid-sized buildings.

Josh Cable

Inventwood LLC

Wood Honeycombs for Energy Efficient Structural Applications

IMPEL Cohort 2021

Inventwood LLC recently received a $20,000,000.00 (ARPA-E) SCALEUP Award, following the $500k in funding from ARPA-E they received previously, to develop and manufacture lightweight 3D wood corrugated honeycomb structures to replace metal counterparts and reduce CO2 emissions by 90% in its manufacture.

Inventwood also received a $1.6M Building Energy Efficiency Frontiers & Innovation Technologies award from the DOE to engineer new vacuum insulation panels (VIPs) composed of low-cost nanoporous wood chips. These VIPs have the potential to improve insulation capacity and lengthen service life while costing less than $1 per square foot for an inch-thick panel.

Inventwood was also previously selected to participate in the Healthy Buildings Challenge, co-led by partner Greentown Labs, Saint Gobain, and Massachusetts Clean Energy Center. 

Ayyoub Momen

Ultrasonic Technology Solutions

Direct Contact Ultrasonic Drying

IMPEL Cohort 2021

Ultrasonic Technology Solutions received a Building Energy Efficiency Frontiers & Innovation Technologies (BENEFIT) award to advance their vibrational defrosting system. By replacing current refrigerator defrosting technology that uses heat, Ultrasonic’s direct-contact drying system will reduce energy use, helping to improve the quality of the frozen food and ultimately reducing food waste. Additional applications include HVAC and automotive systems.

Tommy Gibbons


Carbon-Negative, Bio-Based Building Insulation

IMPEL Cohort 2021

Hempitecture became the first industrial hemp manufacturing plant in the U.S. on Feburary 17, 2023! They were recently awarded 2nd place at Grow NY’s Food and Agriculture business competition which provided them with an award of $500,000. 

Hempitecture received a two year Innovation Crossroads fellowship under the U.S. Department of Energy's "Lab-Embedded Entrepreneurship Program" (LEEP)

Hempitecture also received CRADA funds with Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Argonne National Laboratory to  prototypes for cost-competitive, non-toxic, and low-embodied carbon continuous insulation sheathing product to increase building energy efficiency.

In April 2022, Hempitecture's raised nearly $4.7m in funding backed by 1,827 individual crowd funders on the Wefunder platform. The proceeds of this financing round are already being deployed to support their manufacturing facility build out in Jerome, ID. This manufacturing facility will be the first HempWool® insulation manufacturing plant in the US, which allows them to support the emerging US supply chain for hemp fiber. 

Natalia Mykhaylova


End-to-End Solution for Air Distribution Systems

IMPEL Cohort 2021

WeavAir was awarded the Hype Sports Innovation Award for their end-to-end sensor and air quality improvement technology. 

WeavAir helps operators of fitness centers and stadiums to comply with government regulations, while keeping athletes and staff safe by offering real-time insights on air quality and ventilation risks, tracking building occupancy and flow, and helping reduce building operation costs.

Adam Landsman

Pulse IQ

 Building Performance through the Power of Data Analytics

IMPEL Cohort 2021

Pulse IQ gained several new clients since participating in the IMPEL program,  and recently deployed their building energy management solution at a 433-unit condominium building located in NW Washington, DC. They monitor the performance of the dedicated outside air system and rooftime exhaust fans in real-time, adjust the fan speeds to ensure ideal air pressure in the building, and save energy.  An example of how smart buildings can be both healthier and more efficient.

Brian Simmons

Onboard Data, Inc.

Automation of Building Data Classification

IMPEL Cohort 2020

Onboard was the recipient of a Phase II SBIR award for $1.15m from the U.S. Department of Energy, which allows them to scale their software and API.

Onboard's API enables developers, data scientists and engineers with the opportunity to create products that will change the built world, from tenant wellness to energy efficiency.

Elise Strobach and Aaron Baskerville-Bridges


Nanoporous Insulating Glass

IMPEL Cohort 2020

Aeroshield most recently secured $4 million in seed funding from investors like Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, MassVentures, and others for their technology! Previously, Elise has been selected as an Entrepreneurial Research Fellow at Activate, a two-year, Lab-Embedded Entrepreneurship Program, and raised pre-seed funding. Her team developed an ultra-lightweight aerogel material made from silica with the optical clarity of glass, but superior insulating properties.  AeroShield was  named a Round 4 finalist in the American-Made Solar Prize competition and was selected for the Healthy Buildings Accelerator with IMPEL partner Greentown Labs, Saint Gobain, and Massachusetts Clean Energy Center.

Namit Singh

MicroGrid Labs Solutions

DERCAM User interface

IMPEL Cohort 2020

Namit partnered with Nicholas DeForest of Berkeley Lab to win $200,000 from the Technology Commercialization Fund of the DOE Office of Technology Transitions (OTT).

The team will develop a user-friendly interface for Distributed Energy Resources Customer Adoption Model (DERCAM) to improve integration of electric vehicle charging loads with buildings, campuses and microgrids.

Daniel Gerber 

Verify Energy

Powerfly Solar Monitor

IMPEL Cohort 2020

Daniel’s team was named as a finalist for DOE’s American-Made Solar Prize 

This plug-and-play solar monitor is a self-powered, easily installable device that extracts photovoltaic plant performance data from industrial PV and commercial buildings to enable net-zero buildings. It enables the penetration of renewables by saving $0.05/W on installations. 

Nora Wang, Mark Borkum, and Harry Bergmann


Unique Building Identification

IMPEL Cohort 2019

This team piloted their first unique building identifier (UBID) data project, integrating across Washington DC's Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) and Office of Tax and Revenue. The city incorporated UBIDs into their open data portal for public access. This is an advancement in building data management that can scale to many other jurisdictions across the country. 

Robert Hart, Howdy Goudey

Berkeley Lab

Thin-triple Windows

IMPEL Cohort 2019

This team from LBNL partnered with manufacturers, — Anderson Corporation, Ply Gem, and Alpen HPP, to develop better new thin triple-pane windows, and scale production. The "thin triple” design makes it easier and more cost effective for window companies to switch from today’s standard R3 double glazing to R5 triple-glazed windows, and to conduct window retrofits.