IMPEL Innovators pursue their tech-to-market journey through these opportunities.

Foundational Training

(October 2023 - March 2024)

Pitch Workshops

Workshop 1

Berkeley, CA

October 19, 2023

Workshop 2

Chicago, IL

December 1, 2023

With the intensive guidance of IMPEL Expert Coaches, Innovators refine and practice pitches. Activities include real-time tailored exercises, on-video training, and live one-on-one coaching with professional critique. By the end of the workshop, Innovators will have developed a well-formulated pitch with effective value propositions that are compelling to critical non-technical audiences. 

Mentoring Seminars


November - December 2023

After participating in an IMPEL Workshop, all Innovators will have a facilitated opportunity to engage with the IMPEL Executive Team and mentors from diverse organizations who play a critical role in the building tech-to-market journey. This year's mentors include:

This is an opportunity to apply learnings from the workshop and receive specific, actionable feedback about their projects. Innovators are encouraged to reach out to IMPEL mentors after this event for further guidance and collaboration.

Carbon Tools Training & Showcase


January - February, 2024

This webinar introduces open-source embodied and operational carbon tools for estimating and highlighting the energy and carbon impacts of their projects and technologies in their pitches.

Innovators will be asked to run calculations for their technology using one of the carbon tools presented and then present their findings to their peers and tools experts from the DOE, Berkeley Lab, and Argonne Lab.

In FY24, IMPEL is expanding our carbon training to include more dedicated support from National Lab experts post-webinar.

ESTCP Webinar

March 5, 2024

ESTCP is the environmental, resilience, and installation energy and water technology demonstration and validation program led by the Department of Defense (DOD). The ESTCP solicitation in FY25 is an excellent option for Innovators to apply for paid demonstrations and access to DOD; several IMPEL alums have received ESTCP awards. This webinar is hosted by IMPEL and presented by Tim Tetrault, DOD project manager and IMPEL Mentor. Tim will address questions before the pre-proposal deadline of March 7, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. ET.

Advanced Training

(February - March 2024)

Business Seminars

Berkeley, CA

February 21-23, 2024

Selected Innovators will participate in two to three days of Business Seminars for personalized coaching to develop an initial business plan and customized strategies for their project. 

In FY24, IMPEL is expanding this training to include additional modules on partnering with industry and enhancing public sector capital stack engagement through public grants.

Office Hours


April - September 2024

Innovators selected to participate in IMPEL's pipelines will have a chance to meet individually with our coaches to help prepare for the pipeline events and refine their pitches to a unique audience.


(April - September 2024)

IMPEL offers pipelines to the public and private sectors. 

IMPEL National Showcase at DOE-BTO Peer Review

Washington D.C.

FY24 Dates TBA

The IMPEL National Showcase takes place at the U.S. Department of Energy's Building Technologies Office Peer Review. The 4-day event showcases key BTO efforts and facilitates direct engagement between BTO and various building sector stakeholders.

IMPEL Poster Session: Selected Innovators from the current IMPEL cohort will be selected to display a poster about their technology

IMPEL Pitch Session: Selected Innovators from the current IMPEL cohort will be selected to pitch. 

IMPEL Alumni Panel: Selected IMPEL Alumni will give lightning presentations and a panel discussion.

Greentown Labs-IMPEL Building Sector Pitch Day

Location TBA

FY24 Dates TBA

In collaboration with IMPEL, Greentown Labs hosts a building tech pitch day featuring selected Innovators. The event is a platform for strategic connections between the selected IMPEL Innovators and Greentown and IMPEL’s combined network of corporates, public agencies, investors, and others who can play a key role in startups’ success.

Through the summer and fall, selected Innovators will have continued access to certain aspects of Greentown's member-only programming.

HUD Innovative Housing Showcase

Washington D.C.

FY24 Dates TBA

The Innovative Housing Showcase by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is a three-day event featuring new building technologies and housing solutions that are making housing more innovative, resilient, and affordable for American families. 

Selected Innovators who specialize in the residential space will be selected to exhibit at the showcase with demonstrations of their technology.

Technical Validation and Demonstration Opportunities

Location TBA

FY24 Dates TBA

In FY24, IMPEL is expanding our pipeline opportunities to include technical validation and demonstration opportunities with a partner (to be announced).

Select Innovators will have access to a demonstration partner who will field test and provide valuable feedback on their building technology.

Community Engagement

Quarterly Networking Events


FY24 Dates TBA

As our program grows year by year, IMPEL wants to continue highlighting the successes of Innovators and provide a space for Innovators to relax, get to know one another, and have open discussions. Keep an eye out for more information on our quarterly networking events with our Innovator community.